Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Andres's speaking class

Andres spoke about Anonymuos. Anonymous was a imageboard webb, They did many internet attacks. Anonymous is similar that Wikileaks but Anonymous want to be free internet.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Crop and paste!

Peter's speaking class

Peter spoke about Spotity. Spotify is a softwar in which you can listen music online. I don't like it because I prefer download music to my phone.
It was a interesting class.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My speaking class

I spoke about the vector lines and CAD.
The vector lines are horizontal and vertical lines that use for do colors more intense or less intense.
Finally, the CAD is a softwar that use the arquitectes and engineers for do best drawing in the computer.

Kike's speaking class

Kike spoke about GPS. It was a interesting class, but I don't like have GPS because if I like be alone, I can't do it because it's probably that someone are looking me.